Voucher codes Nomad • Expires in 2 days
Enjoy all the security of Nomad create your account and receive $10 from CASHBACK after your 1st remittance
Nomad is the first account based in the USA for Brazilians and is not located in tax havens, like other dollar accounts, this current account is secured in up to US$250,00.00 through the FDIC (US government deposit guarantee fund) receive US$10 from CASHBACK after making the 1st remittance within 15 days of opening the account, just enter the coupon during registration and make the remittance within of these 15 days the money will be credited to your account on the next business day also take advantage of the Nomadpass, Nomad loyalty program, when adding at least US$1,000 to the account in the last six months you will be entitled to a reduction in the service fee also the more points, the higher the level in the program and the lower the service fee paid on exchange remittances, in addition to the possibility of free sending of the physical card for more information, see the regulations on the website