Voucher codes Autumn and May • Expires in 11 months
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Sign up and get 10% disocunt on your favourite jewellery PROMOTIONS AND OFFER CODESTo redeem a promotion or offer code, please enter the code in the Voucher / Coupon code on the Shopping Bag page of the website and click Apply coupon, if it's a valid code it will be applied to your final order. The promotion codes or offer codes are non-redeemable in store.The following terms and conditions apply to our promotion or offer codes.Only one code can be used per Order/transaction unless otherwise stated.Codes are only applied to the item with Full product prices only; Codes cannot be applied on any of our Sale items.Codes are non-transferrable and no cash alternative is available.All offers and promotions dependants upon Stock Availability.We reserve the right to remove or amend all offers and promotions.Please note the discount codes such as our introductory welcome code may be applied on all brands and products on our website.