Best Alpinetrek Promo Code · Alpinetrek Discounts & History
We do what we do best and have stayed true to our focus as a pure play internet retailer. It all started in 2006, with two founders, a dog, a passion for climbing and a promising idea. With these simple ingredients,, an online dealer for mountaineering equipment, was born and set up shop on the site of a former textile factory in Kirchentellinsfurt near Tübingen. Over the years, we have managed to stay true to this concept and have become one of Europe's leading online mountain sports retailers. Today, we have more than 320 employees committed to providing the best possible shopping experience for mountain sports and outdoor enthusiasts.
We want all our customers to have the best possible experience shopping with us. Feedback from our UK customers suggested that Alpinetrek better communicates to them our commitment to being a premium outdoor speciality retailer selling high quality climbing and mountaineering gear who really stands for advocacy, competence and perfect service. The shop continues to operate from Germany and it shares the same extensive range of climbing and mountain sports products as the German shop. Of course this means that it also benefits from being managed by the same tried and tested German systems that have driven the first class service, great prices and efficient shipping over the years. After all it is this knowledge and experience, developed from our work in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, that makes our company so effective.
Discount | Description | Expiry Date |
10% | Outdoor Gear Clearance
| 2025-02-23 |
80% | Up to 80% OFF Outlet Items at Alpinetrek co uk
| 2025-02-27 |
£75 | Alpinetrek co uk Deal Free UK Delivery on All Purchases Over £75
| 2025-02-24 |
60% | Up to 60% OFF Selected Sleeping Bags at Alpinetrek co uk
| 2025-02-27 |
50% | Flash Sale: Up to 50% Off Outdoor Gear and Apparel
| 2025-02-27 |
30% | Outdoor Gear Sale
| 2025-03-02 |
In our outlet, you'll find jackets, trousers, T-shirts and jumpers for various activities, such as hill walking, climbing, trail running, cycling, ski touring, ice climbing and trekking. In addition to special outdoor clothing for men, women and children, we also offer a large selection of fashionable everyday clothes and casual wear for nature lovers. Plus, you'll even find outdoor shoes and equipment, such as backpacks, sleeping bags and tents on sale. We even have eco-friendly and sustainable products! Look out for labels, such as bluesign, Green Shape, RDS or Fair Wear, because these indicate that they've been produced in an eco-friendly and fair way.
Wearing crampon-compatible trekking boots while bouldering? That's going to be tough! It is just the same thing with outdoor jackets. There is a different type of jacket for each type of outdoor sport, so you better choose wisely when picking a functional jacket. All of them should protect the person wearing it from wind and weather and provide a pleasant body temperature. Rain or snow, wind or hurricane-like storms, moisture management or protection from the cold, the function of weather jackets is swinging back and forth between these extremes.
Firstly, outdoor jackets are distinguished by their purposes for which they are made. Secondly, they are distinguished by the temperature range and the conditions under which they are worn and lastly there are different versions of it. That sounds more complicated than it actually but the explanation is simple. Which outdoor jacket do you pick when you are hiking? Which features are needed when it comes bike jackets? What is vital when buying running jackets? What does a good wind jacket look like?
A good outdoor jacket provides reliable protection from wind, wet conditions and cold weather whilst also providing the necessary breathability. High-end membraned fibers, warming fleece or a full-fledged insulation made of down or synthetic fibers can do that with ease. The jacket's tailoring and fit are designed to provide maximum freedom of movement for the person wearing it.
Outdoor jackets are made to endure tough challenges and can withstand heavy-duty uses such as rock scratches. What's also important: the weight! Because the equipment is carried in the backpack over long distances on multi-day hikes and trekking tours.
For all around use when hiking and trekking you can use breathable softshell jackets, windstopper and windbreaker jackets as well as hardshell jackets as your top layer clothing. You should consider the length of the tour, the weather range, the temperatures and, accordingly, the required protective function when picking a jacket.
3-in-1 jackets are particularly versatile. With these, you can cover the entire weather range. Therefore, these models are excellent all weather jackets for travel. Depending on the combination, they are winter jackets, transitional jackets and autumn jackets in one. The warmth-providing inner jacket can be removed easily and worn on it's own if the weather is dry.
Down jackets and synthetic jackets provide thorough protection from the cold at freezing temperatures. The fill is put in chambers which protect it from slipping out of position and hence creating cold bridges. Downs can be compressed particularly strongly measured by their thermal output, synthetic fibred fills such as PrimaLoft are moisture-resistant and keep you warm even at unpleasant, dank weather! Because of this, warming insulation jackets should not be missed, whether you go mountaineering, to college or to the office. The slightly less-padded versions of these outdoor jackets are a great alternative to common winter jackets.
You could say that fleece jackets and fleece vests are the Swiss army knives of functional jackets. Because warming, fast-drying fleece is ideal for use in a layer system. This is why these jackets are a must for any touring equipment.
But outdoor jackets do not have to be made of synthetic fibers! Wool jackets have excellent, natural functional features and keep your body just as warm when doing outdoor sports as it does in any other situation. Hereby, merino jackets are very comfortable to wear as merino wool feels absolutely soft and is not itchy at all. It is moisture-resistant and does not take on any odor even after being worn several times.
During your sweaty workout, moisture management, wind protection and freedom of movement are vital. Therefore, bike jackets and running jackets have a higher breathability, are designed specifically, are made of elastic softshell fabric or are equipped with stretch inserts. This goes for racer jackets just as it does for mountain bike jackets and bike jackets for the everyday cyclist.
A smart running jacket protects you from wind and hypothermia on the front, is super lightweight and has useful features. Details such as reflective elements, an effective ventilation and useful pockets for cereal bars, gels or your keys are important when running and trail running.
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High-quality climbing and mountaineering products. More than 140,000 items in stock. Over 500 of the best outdoor brands. Free delivery within 3-5 working days for orders over £75. 100-day returns policy. If we don't have the product you're looking for, please use our contact form and let us know. Our 10,000m2 warehouse in Ergenzingen near Rottenburg, Germany houses countless outdoor products from a variety of manufacturers, ranging from big-name outdoor brands to small trendy labels and lesser-known gems. We do this because we have one goal in mind: to offer our customers the best possible equipment for outdoor sports. Even though we consider ourselves to be specialists in climbing and offer specialized equipment to accommodate various climbing needs, we also have everything any hiker, cyclist or runner might need. The best part about it: We're always adding more to the range of products we offer.
Discount Codes | 10 |
Best Alpinetrek Coupon | 80% |
Working Coupon Codes | 0 |
Redeemed Codes | 23 |